Ponderosa Pine
Pinus ponderosa
Native to eastern Washington, this tree is an ambassador to the western United States. It doesn’t attain the same size here in the Puget Sound, but it does retain all the beauty. On older trees, the bark develops cinnamon-yellow colored plates that are separated by deep fissures. The seeds are an important food source for wildlife.
Power Line Approved: No
Min. street tree planting width: 12 feet
Mature Height: 80 feet
Mature Spread: 20 feet
Tree Shape: Pyramidal
Where to Plant:
In your yard. An unimproved right of way with no high voltage wires.
Dark green needles in bundles of three. Appear stiff and tufted at the ends of branches.
Egg shaped cones are brown at maturity. Seeds are enjoyed by birds.
Preferred Site Conditions:
Full sun. Prefers moist but well drained soil. Drought tolerant once established.
Potential Problems:
On occasion, they can be affected by needle and tip diseases. These are rarely serious.
Minimum Planting Distances:
- 15 feet from house or building
- 3 ½ feet back from the face of the curb
- 5 feet from underground utility lines
- 10 feet from power poles
- 7 ½ feet from driveways (10 feet recommended)
- 20 feet from street lights and other existing trees
- 30 feet from street intersections