Celtis occidentalis
A tough tree for urban environments. Mature bark has corky ridges and a warty texture. The sweet fruit is attractive to wildlife, especially birds.
Power Line Approved: No
Min. street tree planting width: 8 feet
Mature Height: 50 feet
Mature Spread: 30 feet
Tree Shape: Rounded with age
Where to Plant:
A great shade tree specimen for your yard or in a wide planting strip with no overhead wires.
Dark green even into late summer. Yellow fall color.
Small greenish yellow male and female flowers come out just as leaves are emerging.
Small round green fruit that turn deep purple in late summer. Attractive to birds.
Preferred Site Conditions:
Full sun. Moist but well drained soil. Heat tolerant.
Potential Problems:
No serious insect or disease problems.
Minimum Planting Distances:
- 15 feet from house or building
- 3 ½ feet back from the face of the curb
- 5 feet from underground utility lines
- 10 feet from power poles
- 7 ½ feet from driveways (10 feet recommended)
- 20 feet from street lights and other existing trees
- 30 feet from street intersections