Green Gable Black Tupelo

Nyssa sylvatica ‘Green Gable’

This black tupelo cultivar has a more pyramidal shape and very uniform branching, making it a great street tree. Its brilliant red fall color is a show stopper!

Power Line Approved: No

Min. street tree planting width: 6 feet

Mature Height: 40-50 feet

Mature Spread: 20-30 feet

Tree Shape: Upright pyramidal

Where to Plant:
Perfect for planting spots without overhead wires.

Dark green leaves turn brilliant shades of red in fall.

Preferred Site Conditions:
Prefers moist, well-drained soils. Overall a very adaptable tree, tolerating poorly drained soils with standing water and dry soils.

Potential Problems:
Susceptible leaf spot disease, however this cultivar tends to be more resistant.

Minimum Planting Distances:

  • 15 feet from house or building
  • 3 ½ feet back from the face of the curb
  • 5 feet from underground utility lines
  • 10 feet from power poles
  • 7 ½ feet from driveways (10 feet recommended)
  • 20 feet from street lights and other existing trees
  • 30 feet from street intersections

Additional Resources