2012 Proposed Budget

Download the 2012 Proposed Budget


Reader’s Guide & City Organizational Chart,  p. 1

Seattle City Light, p. 393
Executive Summary, p. 5 Seattle Department of Transportation, p. 411
Summary Charts and Tables, p. 33 Seattle Streetcar, p. 453
General Subfund Revenue Overview, p.37
Transportation - Central Waterfront Improvement Fund, p. 459
Selected Financial Policies, p.67

Seattle Public Utilities, p. 463

Budget Process, p. 69
ARTS, CULTURE & RECREATION Cable Television Franchise Fee Subfund, p. 519

2008 Parks Levy, p. 75

Office of City Auditor, p. 527

Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, p. 81

City Budget Office, p. 533
The Seattle Public Library, p. 93 Seattle Office for Civil Rights, p. 539
Department of Parks and Recreation, p.  109 Civil Service Commission, p. 545
Seattle Center, p. 141 Civil Service Commissions, p. 549
Employees' Retirement System, p. 555
HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Ethics and Elections Commission, p. 561
Educational & Developmental Services Levy, p. 161 Department of Finance and Administrative Services, p. 567
Human Services Department, p. 177 Finance General, p. 601
Office of Hearing Examiner, p. 611
NEIGHBORHOODS & DEVELOPMENT Department of Information Technology, p. 617

Department of Housing and Economic Development, p.213

Office of Intergovernmental Relations, p. 637
Office of Economic Development, p.233 Legislative Department, p. 643
Office of Housing, p. 239 Office of the Mayor, p. 651
Neighborhood Matching Subfund, p. 249 Personnel Department, p. 657
Department of Neighborhoods, p. 259
Personnel Compensation Trust Funds, p. 665
Pike Place Market Levy, p. 273

Office of Sustainability and Environment, p. 683

Department of Planning and Development, p. 281
PUBLIC SAFETY General Subfund, p. 693
Criminal Justice Contracted Services, p. 307 Fiscal Reserves, p. 699
Seattle Fire Department, p. 313 Judgment/Claims Subfund, p. 705
Fire Facilities Levy Fund, p. 329
Parking Garage Operations Fund, p. 711
Firefighters' Pension, p. 333
Cumulative Reserve Subfund, p. 717
Law Department, p. 341

Debt Service, p. 737

Seattle Municipal Court, p. 349
Municipal Jail, p. 357
Seattle Police Department, p. 363
Position Modifications, p. 757
Police Relief and Pension, p. 381

Cost Allocation, p. 767

Public Safety Civil Service Commission, p.389
Glossary, p. 777
Statistics, p. 781

Budget Office

Dan Eder, Acting Director
Address: 600 4th Ave, Floor 6, Seattle, WA, 98124
Mailing Address: PO Box 94747, Seattle, WA, 98124-4747
Phone: (206) 615-1962
Fax: (206) 233-0022

City Budget Office oversees all aspect of the city's budget. The web site includes current and archived budgets, capital improvement programs, economic updates and other related information.