Illustration of community members.

Sound Transit is expanding light rail in Seattle. Over the next two decades our communities will benefit from more than a dozen new stations and better connectivity and access to the Central Puget Sound region. New stations include new service areas such as Ballard and West Seattle, as well as infill stations that will close the gaps in the existing system. We are committed to collaborating with you to plan for this once-in-a-generation transit expansion. See below for information on the various projects.

Approach to Race and Social Equity

The City of Seattle is committed to ending institutional and structural racism through its Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI). City projects operationalize our RSJI commitments through the Racial Equity Toolkit (RET) process, championed by the Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR), whose vision is: a City of Liberated People where Communities Historically Impacted by Racism, Oppression, and Colonization Hold Power and Thrive. To do this requires ending individual racism, institutional racism, and structural racism by shifting real decision making power and equitable resources to those most harmed by a lingering legacy and reality of racism in our community. The Racial Equity Toolkit lays out a process and a set of questions to guide the development, implementation and evaluation of policies, initiatives, programs, and budget issues to address the impacts on racial equity.

Planning Around Stations

Sound Transit is building 13 light rail stations with service to West Seattle in 2032* and Ballard in 2037-2039*. The project includes two new water crossings and a brand-new transit tunnel through Downtown Seattle, making this the largest transit investment in our city's history.

City's Planning for West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions

Sound Transit's Project Website and Online Open House

*For details on WSBLE project delivery dates, please refer to Sound Transit's website.

This includes the Shoreline South/148th Station (also referred to as the 145th St Station) that is just north of the city limit in Shoreline, as well as the NE 130th St infill station. Sound Transit aims to open the 145th St station in 2024 and the 130th St station in 2025. For more information, please check the planning website below:

130th and 145th Station Area Planning - OPCD

NE 130th St & Shoreline South/148th Stations: Multimodal Access Study (PDF) - SDOT

This station is part of Sound Transit's East Link Extension that will connect Seattle with Mercer Island, Bellevue, and Redmond by light rail in 2023.

Station Access Project - SDOT
Land Use Summary Report DRAFT [Aug 2017] (PDF) - SDOT/OPCD

This station is part of the Central Link light rail line that opened in 2009.

Mount Baker Station Area - OPCD
Accessible Mount Baker - SDOT

Sound Transit aims to complete this infill station by 2031. The City's planning work has not yet begun for this station.

Check Sound Transit's project page for updates:
S Graham St. Infill Station

Sound Transit aims to complete this infill station by 2031. It will be located within the City of Tukwila, but the station access area will extend into Seattle. Planning work has not yet begun for this station.

Check Sound Transit's project page for updates:
S Boeing Access Rd Infill Station

Light Rail Expansion Map

Seattle is planning for more than a dozen new light rail stations across the city, see the map below for approximate locations* for the various projects.

*Please refer to Sound Transit for official station locations and routing alignments.
Map of current and future Sound Transit Lightrail stations in Seattle

Planning and Community Development

Rico Quirindongo, Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA, 98124-7088
Phone: (206) 386-1010

The Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) develops policies and plans for an equitable and sustainable future. We partner with neighborhoods, businesses, agencies and others to bring about positive change and coordinate investments for our Seattle communities.