About Us
The Freight Advisory Board was founded by Seattle City Council Resolution 31243 in September 2010. The Board is composed of 12 regular members - six appointed by the Mayor, five appointed by the Council and one appointed by the Port of Seattle. The board advises the Mayor, the City Council, and all departments and offices of the city in the development of a functional and efficient freight system, and on all matters related to freight and the impact that actions by the city may have on the freight environment.
Vision: To advise the City Council, Mayor, and all departments and offices in the City in the development of a functional and efficient freight system and on all matters related to freight and the impact that actions by the City may have upon the freight environment.
Who We Are
The Seattle Freight Advisory Board will have the opportunity to provide input on City policies, plans, and projects as they may relate to freight capacity, safety, access and mobility throughout the City with a particular focus on the City’s industrial lands and the businesses they support.
The Board will participate in regular updates to the Freight Mobility Strategic Plan; revisions of the Transportation Strategic Plan as it relates to freight; the designation of major truck streets; and provide comments on planned freight mobility projects. Annual reports on status and achievements will be provided by the Seattle Freight Board to the City Council.