Consulting Opportunities
Real Estate Services hires consultants to assist with a variety of work, including appraisals, environmental assessments and leasing, as well as real estate analysis and brokerage services. We follow the City contracting procedures. Consulting firms are encouraged to register with the City's Consultant Roster program using the Online Business Directory. For more information on this type of work and on-call contracts, please contact us.
Obtaining an appraisal is an important component of due diligence any time the City acquires or disposes of real property. Most City appraisals are obtained by contract with commercial appraisal firms. We have a state-certified appraiser who manages the ordering and review of such appraisals.
Environmental analysis
We typically use environmental consulting firms in real estate acquisitions and dispositions as part of due diligence.
Real estate brokers
Through on-call contracts, we often use real estate brokers to represent the City in the sale of property. For special projects, we may contract for property-specific real estate services, and can choose from the consultant roster to fill these needs.
Leasing — tenant representation
On occasion and using on-call contracts, we seek the services of qualified leasing specialists to assist the City on specific transactions.