City, State and National Resources
City Resources
Office of Civil Rights (SOCR)
"Applying both federal and local laws, the SOCR addresses illegal discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and contracting within the Seattle city limits. From filing a charge through the investigation of a case, SOCR provides a forum for resolution and remedies against discriminatory conduct. We also provide policy recommendations to City government and educate the public on civil rights issues."
Department of Human Resources (SDHR)
Personnel Rules and Workplace Expectations; benefit policies and procedures; access to Alternative Dispute Resolution; contacts regarding EEO questions; and, information regarding Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
City Auditor (CAO)
As an independent auditor, this office conducts performance audits of City of Seattle programs, departments, grantees, and contracts. It also conducts non-audit studies to provide City of Seattle decision makers with timely information.
Office of Professional Accountability (OPA)
Handles all complaints and subsequent investigation regarding police conduct.
Outside Organizations
Washington State Auditor's Office
Local Government Auditing Division - conducts accountability, financial and performance audits of federal grant spending and other uses of public funds by local governments. The SAO responsible for auditing City matters is located in the Seattle Municipal Tower.
Washington State Human Right Commission
Enforces Washington State laws prohibiting discrimination.
Washington Department of Labor and Industries
Enforces health, labor, on the job safety and compensation laws.
Ethics Resources Center
A nonprofit organization devoted to independent research and training addressing Ethics and Whistleblowing in the public and private sectors.
Government Accountability Project
A nonprofit organization supporting and advocating for Whistleblowers.