What We Do

The Seattle Music Commission and the Office of Film + Music work toward the realization of the City of Music 2020 Vision by cultivating partnerships, developing policy, and facilitating connections between the community and the music industry to make Seattle a place where musicians thrive, communities are strengthened, and music businesses flourish.

This Commission strives to enhance the growth and development of Seattle's music sector and to convey the City's commitment to the industry, musicians and audience. The Commission is also tasked with advising City officials regarding leadership and support in the music industry arena, and serves as a forum for City departments to share information on upcoming issues and opportunities of relevance to Seattle's music sector. The Commission works with public and private entities, and the greater community in an attempt to advance the goals outlined in the Seattle City of Music Vision.

Seattle Music Commission

Markham McIntyre, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 5752, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94708, Seattle, WA, 98124-4708

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