We proposed amendments to the Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance (RRIO) (Seattle Municipal Code 22.214) to improve our RRIO program’s ability to identify and address safety and maintenance problems in rental housing. Our amendments are the result of a stakeholder process we convened this spring in response to a 2016 City Council requirement to review RRIO. Our legislation also includes changes to the Housing and Building Maintenance Code (HBMC) to support the RRIO changes, update certain technical standards, and clean up confusing sections of the code. We are now developing policies and procedures to implement the changes to RRIO and the HBMC. We are also developing communication and outreach materials for property owners and renters.
For more information about our housing code and rental housing inspection program, see our Housing & Building Maintenance Code page and our Rental Registration & Inspection Code page.
Our recommendations included the following:
The Mayor signed the legislation on July 14, 2017, making it effective August 14, 2017.
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