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This Commission advises the Mayor, City Council, and City departments/offices on ways to enhance and improve access to City services and resources for immigrants and refugees, as well as strengthening civic and cultural opportunities for immigrants and refugees in Seattle. Commission members must be committed to spending a minimum of 10 hours per month to commission work, including monthly Commission meetings and to actively participating in at least one committee. Serving on the Commission is an unpaid volunteer position.

The application period is open.

If interest in applying, please send your resume and a cover letter stating your interest in serving the commission to Please ensure that the words "Commissioner Application" are the subject line. 

For questions, please contact Commission Staff, Beleqsa Tamaami, at (206) 772-2859 or   

The Immigrant and Refugee Commission was created as a result of Seattle's Immigrant and Refugee Report and Action Plan released in 2007. With the unprecedented growth in the foreign-born population since the 1980s, Seattle has become an increasingly multi-cultural city, rich with diversity.