The Levy Oversight Committee (LOC) was established by City ordinance to provide recommendations on the design and modification of programs funded by the Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy and to monitor the progress of those investments in meeting intended outcomes and goals.
About the FEPP Levy
The Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise levy is a seven-year, $619 million-dollar investment in Seattle's youth approved by voters in November 2018. Under the FEPP levy, the City's Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) partners with families and communities to achieve educational equity, close opportunity gaps, and build a better future for Seattle students by investing in the following:
- High-quality early learning opportunities that prepare children for success in kindergarten
- Physical and mental health services that support learning
- College and job readiness experiences that promote on-time high-school graduation
- Post-secondary opportunities that promote attainment of a certificate, credential, or degree
The FEPP levy's intended outcome is that students in historically underserved groups, including African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander, underserved Asian populations, other students of color, refugee and immigrant, homeless, English language learners, and LGBTQ students, are achieving academically across the preschool to post-secondary continuum.
The FEPP Levy Implementation and Evaluation Plan provides additional information about the levy and its goals, outcomes, theory of change, and investment areas.
About the LOC
The Levy Oversight Committee (LOC) was established by Ordinance 125604 to make recommendations about FEPP funded programs and monitor the levy's progress in meeting intended goals. Since 2018, the LOC has reviewed and recommended legislation such as the FEPP Implementation and Evaluation Plan and the use of FEPP funding to establish the Emergency Child Care program for essential workers in response to COVID-19. LOC members have also served on funding review panels for FEPP investments.
The FEPP Levy Oversight Committee consists of seventeen members, twelve of whom are by appointment for their experience in the areas of student academic achievement and postsecondary and career opportunities. Appointed members also have a demonstrated history working with or representing students from historically underserved groups.
The five additional LOC members include the Mayor of Seattle, the chair of the City Council Committee on Governance & Education, the Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools, a designated representative of the Seattle School Board, and the Chancellor of Seattle Colleges.
For additional information on LOC Members, visit our Members page.