Elementary School Innovation Request for Investment for 2017-18 School Year

Phase 1 - Intent to Apply Application

Release Date: March 31, 2016
Information Session #1:

Thursday, April 7, 2016
3:45 - 4:45pm
John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence
Room 2772
2445 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98134

Information Session #2:

Friday, April 22, 2016
8 - 9am
John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence
Room 2776
2445 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98134

Last day to submit RFI questions: Friday, May 6, 2016, 5pm
Deadline to submit RFI intent to apply applications: Friday, May 13, 2016, 4:30pm
Review panel and school interviews: May 31 - June 10, 2016*
Notice of intent to publish RFI decisions: July 17, 2016*

Note: Dates following the submission deadline are based on best estimates. The Department of Education and Early Learning will publish updates to the timeline if needed.

RFI Intent to Apply Application: DOWNLOAD Word     DOWNLOAD PDF
Information Session Presentation: DOWNLOAD
Q&A from the Information Sessions and applicant emails: DOWNLOAD Updated 5-4-16
Q&A from prior years: DOWNLOAD

How and where to submit: How to Submit Your Application
Name your files:

Email subject heading: [SchoolName]_ElementaryRFI_ITA

Dana Harrison, dana.harrison@seattle.gov, ((206) 233-5074

The Levy will invest in up to four Innovation Elementary Schools during the 2017-18 school year.  Elementary schools that are successful in the Request for Investment (RFI) process will receive Levy investments in exchange for achieving specific results related to the Levy outcomes and indicators.

Each school will propose its own outcome and indicator targets, based on the needs of their students. DEEL will then coordinate with selected Innovation Elementary Schools to finalize outcomes, indicators, and targets based on an analysis of school-specific data and performance trends. Schools meeting their annual performance targets will continue to receive Levy funding for the remainder of the 2011 Levy (through the 2018-19 school year).

Education and Early Learning

Dwane Chappelle, Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 1700, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94665, Seattle, WA, 98124-6965
Phone: (206) 233-5118
Phone Alt: Childcare and Preschool: (206) 386-1050
Fax: (206) 386-1900

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