Meet Our Commissioners

Updated March 21, 2023

Kim McGillivray (Co-Chair)  
Kim McGillivray was a Seattleite from her first breath, which was drawn at Swedish Hospital on First Hill. She went to local public schools and state universities before beginning her career in television news at KING. She moved to Washington, D.C. to work for the NBC-owned station, WRC. Wanting a more active role than journalism allows, Kim went to law school, interning for one federal judge and later clerking for another. She combined law and news to analyze court opinions from across the country as a reporter for the Bureau of National Affairs (now Bloomberg BNA). Returning to Seattle in 2000, Kim worked for the federal government as a writer/editor and went back to school to learn about non-profits and grant writing. She currently works as a data analyst on a domestic violence program study backed by the Gates Foundation, is a Field Interviewer with a national study of Medicare, and volunteers with agencies supporting the elderly, the LGBTQ+ community, and fighting racism and poverty and their myriad effects. 

Daniel Godfrey (Co-Chair, he/him)  
Daniel Godfrey was raised in the Seattle area, and now rents a shoebox in Uptown. He studied Medical Anthropology at the University of Washington Honors Program, where he spent his time on chronic pain research and community work at grassroots organizations combating inequity. After graduation, he traveled on a Bonderman Fellowship to examine global economic inequality. Grounded by Covid-19, he returned to begin social work at a local non-profit. Now, he serves the community and individuals experiencing homelessness as Coordinator with the LEAD Program. Daniel believes that activism and thoughtful policy can lead Seattle to be affordable and accessible for individuals of any background. 

Atif Osmani (he/they)  
Atif was raised on the north side of Chicago, in the city’s South Asian enclave. A majority of his family immigrated to the United States in the 80s, so his ethnic and cultural heritage has always been an important aspect of his identity. In high school, and later college, he was surrounded by a more affluent and largely white group of peers. This dichotomy in populations, among many other factors, propelled him to learn about systemic social issues and how individuals, communities, and governments can work to solve or alleviate societal inequities. He attended the University of Chicago for his undergraduate degree, where he studied Public Policy and specialized in health policy. This program was an ideal interdisciplinary environment to deconstruct social issues because it leaned on economic, statistical, and multiple qualitative frameworks to view problems. Health policy issues hit close to him because he grew up helping his father and grandparents with their health impairments. Additionally, the study of health policy goes far beyond medical intervention and is fundamentally tied to the wellbeing of people. 
Atif believes that housing is a crucial part of a person's health and wellbeing, so he's excited to serve on the Renters’ Commission as an advocate for holistic and people-first housing policies. One of his first rental experiences in Seattle involved an agreement to run an Airbnb for "discounted rent". This work was on top of a full-time job, so Atif understands and empathizes with anyone struggling in the current rental market.  
Atif wants to further engage with the community to get a sense of what people care about and try to find solutions where possible. The community comes first and foremost, so he is doing what he can to center them in his work. 

Arianna Laureano  
Arianna is a disability rights activist who is fighting here in Seattle to progress tenants’ rights in hopes to make Seattle a safer city for people with disabilities. 
Charles ‘Char’ Smith  
Charles ‘Char’ Smith (he/him) is an educator, musician, and a nerd for local history. After moving to Seattle while homeless, he was fortunate enough to find housing, attend college, and is now living his best life as a teacher to some wonderful early childhood students at Giddens School in Beacon Hill. He currently lives in Crown Hill, having previously lived in the First Hill, Capitol Hill, and Georgetown neighborhoods. 

Lydia Felty  
Lydia Felty is a resident of Capitol Hill. Originally from Ohio, she holds a B.A. in American Studies and English and worked as an educator before landing in the nonprofit sector. She now works with small downtowns across the state as they focus on the continued care of their space and community through place stewardship, historic preservation, and small business support. 

Schnidine S Registin (to be confirmed March 28) 
Schnidine is a legal specialist with an interest in local government and the policies that impact our lives. Schnidine is interested in joining the Seattle Renter’s Commission to be a part of the solution as opposed to just voicing grievances.   


Jenifer Chao, Director
Address: 600 4th Avenue, 4th Floor, Seattle, WA , 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94649, Seattle, WA, 98124-4649
Phone: (206) 684-0464
Fax: (206) 233-5142

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